1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
2 | <project basedir="." default="dist" name="EventBench">
3 | <!-- General Properties -->
4 | <property environment="env" />
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6 | <property name="dist.location" value="dist" />
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11 |
12 | <!-- Distribution Properties -->
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14 | <property name="dist.location.jfcmonitor" value="${dist.location}/jfcmonitor" />
15 | <property name="dist.location.javadoc" value="${dist.location}/javadoc" />
16 |
17 | <!-- EventBenchConsole Properties -->
18 | <property name="build.location.eventbenchconsole" value="${build.location}/eventbenchconsole" />
19 | <property name="EventBenchConsole.jarname" value="eventbenchconsole.jar" />
20 | <property name="EventBenchConsole.location" value="../EventBenchConsole" />
21 | <path id="EventBenchConsole.classpath">
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23 | <pathelement location="lib/collections-generic-4.01.jar" />
24 | <pathelement location="lib/jdom.jar" />
25 | <pathelement location="lib/colt-1.2.0.jar" />
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30 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-algorithms-2.0.1.jar" />
31 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-api-2.0.1.jar" />
32 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-graph-impl-2.0.1.jar" />
33 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-io-2.0.1.jar" />
34 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-jai-2.0.1.jar" />
35 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-jai-samples-2.0.1.jar" />
36 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-samples-2.0.1.jar" />
37 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-visualization-2.0.1.jar" />
38 | <pathelement location="lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar" />
39 | <pathelement location="lib/vecmath-1.3.1.jar" />
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49 | <pathelement location="lib/gui-model-core.jar" />
50 | <pathelement location="lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar" />
51 | <pathelement location="lib/jopt-simple-3.3.jar" />
52 | <path refid="JavaHelperLib.classpath" />
53 | <path refid="EventBenchCore.classpath" />
54 | </path>
55 |
56 | <!-- EventBenchCore Properties -->
57 | <property name="build.location.eventbenchcore" value="${build.location}/eventbenchcore" />
58 | <property name="EventBenchCore.jarname" value="eventbenchcore.jar" />
59 | <property name="EventBenchCore.location" value="../EventBenchCore" />
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61 | <pathelement location="${build.location.eventbenchcore}" />
62 | <pathelement location="lib/Jama-1.0.2.jar" />
63 | <pathelement location="lib/colt-1.2.0.jar" />
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70 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-graph-impl-2.0.1.jar" />
71 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-io-2.0.1.jar" />
72 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-jai-2.0.1.jar" />
73 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-jai-samples-2.0.1.jar" />
74 | <pathelement location="lib/jung-samples-2.0.1.jar" />
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76 | <pathelement location="lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar" />
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78 | <pathelement location="lib/wstx-asl-3.2.6.jar" />
79 | <pathelement location="lib/commons-codec-1.5.jar" />
80 | <pathelement location="lib/collections-generic-4.01.jar" />
81 | <path refid="JavaHelperLib.classpath" />
82 | </path>
83 |
84 | <!-- JavaHelperLib Properties -->
85 | <property name="build.location.javahelperlib" value="${build.location}/javahelperlib" />
86 | <property name="JavaHelperLib.jarname" value="javahelperlib.jar" />
87 | <property name="JavaHelperLib.location" value="../JavaHelperLib" />
88 | <path id="JavaHelperLib.classpath">
89 | <pathelement location="${build.location.javahelperlib}" />
90 | </path>
91 |
92 | <!-- JFCMonitor Properties -->
93 | <property name="build.location.jfcmonitor" value="${build.location}/jfcmonitor" />
94 | <property name="JFCMonitor.jarname" value="jfcmonitor.jar" />
95 | <property name="JFCMonitor.location" value="../JFCMonitor" />
96 | <path id="JFCMonitor.classpath" />
97 |
98 | <!-- JUnit Test General Properties -->
99 |
100 | <property name="test.location.results" value="test-results" />
101 | <path id="JUnit.classpath">
102 | <pathelement location="lib-test/junit-4.10.jar" />
103 | <pathelement location="lib-test/junit-addons-1.4.jar" />
104 | </path>
105 |
106 | <!-- JUnit Test EventBenchCore Properties -->
107 | <property name="test.location.eventbenchcore" value="${build.location}/eventbenchcore-test" />
108 | <property name="EventBenchCoreTest.location" value="../EventBenchCoreTest" />
109 | <property name="test.eventbenchcore.main-class" value="de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.TestAll" />
110 | <property name="test.eventbenchcore.results" value="${test.location.results}/eventbenchcore" />
111 | <path id="EventBenchCoreTest.classpath">
112 | <pathelement location="${test.location.eventbenchcore}" />
113 | <path refid="EventBenchCore.classpath" />
114 | <path refid="JUnit.classpath" />
115 | </path>
116 |
117 | <!-- JUnit Test JavaHelperLib Properties -->
118 | <property name="test.location.javahelperlib" value="${build.location}/javahelperlib-test" />
119 | <property name="JavaHelperLibTest.location" value="../JavaHelperLibTest" />
120 | <property name="test.javahelperlib.main-class" value="de.ugoe.cs.util.TestAll" />
121 | <property name="test.javahelperlib.results" value="${test.location.results}/javahelperlib" />
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123 | <pathelement location="${test.location.javahelperlib}" />
124 | <path refid="JavaHelperLib.classpath" />
125 | <path refid="JUnit.classpath" />
126 | </path>
127 |
128 | <!-- Initialization Targets -->
129 | <target name="init.build">
130 | <mkdir dir="bin" />
131 | </target>
132 | <target name="init.dist">
133 | <mkdir dir="${dist.location}" />
134 | <mkdir dir="${dist.location.main}" />
135 | <mkdir dir="${dist.location.jfcmonitor}" />
136 | </target>
137 | <target depends="init.build" name="init.eventbenchconsole">
138 | <mkdir dir="${build.location.eventbenchconsole}" />
139 | </target>
140 | <target depends="init.build" name="init.eventbenchcore">
141 | <mkdir dir="${build.location.eventbenchcore}" />
142 | </target>
143 | <target depends="init.build" name="init.javahelperlib">
144 | <mkdir dir="${build.location.javahelperlib}" />
145 | </target>
146 | <target depends="init.build" name="init.jfcmonitor">
147 | <mkdir dir="${build.location.jfcmonitor}" />
148 | </target>
149 |
150 | <!-- Clean-up Targets -->
151 | <target name="clean.build">
152 | <delete dir="${build.location}" />
153 | </target>
154 | <target name="clean.dist">
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156 | </target>
157 | <target name="clean.javadoc">
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159 | </target>
160 | <target depends="clean.build,clean.dist,clean.javadoc" name="clean.all" />
161 |
162 | <!-- Build Targets -->
163 | <target
164 | depends="build.javahelperlib,build.eventbenchcore,build.eventbenchconsole,build.jfcmonitor"
165 | name="build" />
166 | <target depends="init.eventbenchconsole" name="build.eventbenchconsole">
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168 | destdir="${build.location.eventbenchconsole}" source="${source}"
169 | target="${target}" includeantruntime="false">
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171 | <classpath refid="EventBenchConsole.classpath" />
172 | </javac>
173 | </target>
174 | <target depends="init.eventbenchcore" name="build.eventbenchcore">
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176 | destdir="${build.location.eventbenchcore}" source="${source}" target="${target}"
177 | includeantruntime="false">
178 | <src path="${EventBenchCore.location}/src" />
179 | <classpath refid="EventBenchCore.classpath" />
180 | </javac>
181 | </target>
182 | <target depends="init.javahelperlib" name="build.javahelperlib">
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184 | source="${source}" target="${target}" includeantruntime="false">
185 | <src path="${JavaHelperLib.location}/src" />
186 | <classpath refid="JavaHelperLib.classpath" />
187 | </javac>
188 | </target>
189 | <target depends="init.jfcmonitor" name="build.jfcmonitor">
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191 | source="${source}" target="${target}" includeantruntime="false">
192 | <src path="${JFCMonitor.location}/src" />
193 | <classpath refid="JFCMonitor.classpath" />
194 | </javac>
195 | </target>
196 |
197 | <!-- Distribution Targets -->
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201 | <mapper>
202 | <chainedmapper>
203 | <flattenmapper />
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209 | <include name="**/*.jar" />
210 | </fileset>
211 | </path>
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214 | value="${dist.libs} ${JavaHelperLib.jarname} ${EventBenchCore.jarname}"></property>
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216 | basedir="${build.location.eventbenchconsole}">
217 | <manifest>
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219 | <attribute name="Main-Class" value="de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.Runner" />
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221 | </manifest>
222 | </jar>
223 | <jar destfile="${dist.location.main}/${EventBenchCore.jarname}"
224 | basedir="${build.location.eventbenchcore}">
225 | <manifest>
226 | <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
227 | </manifest>
228 | </jar>
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230 | basedir="${build.location.javahelperlib}">
231 | <manifest>
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233 | <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${dist.classpath}" />
234 | </manifest>
235 | </jar>
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237 | <fileset dir="lib" />
238 | </copy>
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240 | <fileset dir="${EventBenchConsole.location}/misc" />
241 | </copy>
242 | <copy todir="${dist.location.main}/rules">
243 | <fileset dir="${EventBenchConsole.location}/rules" />
244 | </copy>
245 |
246 | <!-- dist of JFCMonitor -->
247 | <jar destfile="${dist.location.jfcmonitor}/${JFCMonitor.jarname}"
248 | basedir="${build.location.jfcmonitor}">
249 | <manifest>
250 | <attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
251 | <attribute name="Main-Class" value="de.ugoe.cs.eventbench.jfcmonitor.Runner" />
252 | <attribute name="Class-Path" value="${JavaHelperLib.jarname}" />
253 | </manifest>
254 | </jar>
255 |
256 | <!-- copy Javadoc to dist -->
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258 | <fileset dir="${javadoc.location}" />
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260 | </target>
261 |
262 | <!-- Javadoc Targets -->
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265 | <mkdir dir="${javadoc.location}/eventbenchcore" />
266 | <mkdir dir="${javadoc.location}/eventbenchconsole" />
267 | <mkdir dir="${javadoc.location}/jfcmonitor" />
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269 | additionalparam="-J-Dorg.apache.commons.attributes.javadoc.CATaglet.sources=${basedir}">
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275 | additionalparam="-J-Dorg.apache.commons.attributes.javadoc.CATaglet.sources=${basedir}">
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278 | <link href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/" />
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281 | <javadoc destdir="${javadoc.location}/eventbenchconsole"
282 | additionalparam="-J-Dorg.apache.commons.attributes.javadoc.CATaglet.sources=${basedir}">
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285 | <link resolveLink="true" href="${javadoc.location}/eventbenchcore/" />
286 | <link href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/" />
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288 | </javadoc>
289 | <javadoc destdir="${javadoc.location}/jfcmonitor"
290 | additionalparam="-J-Dorg.apache.commons.attributes.javadoc.CATaglet.sources=${basedir}">
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292 | <link href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/" />
293 | <fileset dir="${JFCMonitor.location}/src" includes="**/*.java" />
294 | </javadoc>
295 | </target>
296 |
297 | <!-- JUnit Targets -->
298 | <target depends="init.build" name="init.junit">
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300 | </target>
301 | <target depends="init.junit" name="init.eventbenchcore-test">
302 | <mkdir dir="${test.location.eventbenchcore}" />
303 | </target>
304 | <target depends="init.junit" name="init.javahelperlib-test">
305 | <mkdir dir="${test.location.javahelperlib}" />
306 | </target>
307 |
308 | <target depends="init.eventbenchcore-test" name="build.eventbenchcore-test">
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310 | source="${source}" target="${target}" includeantruntime="false">
311 | <src path="${EventBenchCoreTest.location}/src" />
312 | <classpath refid="EventBenchCoreTest.classpath" />
313 | </javac>
314 | </target>
315 | <target depends="init.javahelperlib-test" name="build.javahelperlib-test">
316 | <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="${test.location.javahelperlib}"
317 | source="${source}" target="${target}" includeantruntime="false">
318 | <src path="${JavaHelperLibTest.location}/src" />
319 | <classpath refid="JavaHelperLibTest.classpath" />
320 | </javac>
321 | </target>
322 |
323 | <target depends="build.eventbenchcore,build.eventbenchcore-test"
324 | name="junit.eventbenchcore">
325 | <junit fork="on" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no">
326 | <classpath refid="EventBenchCoreTest.classpath" />
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328 | outfile="${test.eventbenchcore.results}">
329 | <formatter type="xml" />
330 | </test>
331 | </junit>
332 | </target>
333 | <target depends="build.javahelperlib,build.javahelperlib-test"
334 | name="junit.javahelperlib">
335 | <junit fork="on" printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="no">
336 | <classpath refid="JavaHelperLibTest.classpath" />
337 | <test name="${test.javahelperlib.main-class}" haltonfailure="no"
338 | outfile="${test.javahelperlib.results}">
339 | <formatter type="xml" />
340 | </test>
341 | </junit>
342 | </target>
343 |
344 | <target depends="junit.eventbenchcore,junit.javahelperlib" name="junit" />
345 |
346 | <target depends="dist,junit" name="distAndTest" />
347 | </project>