1 | // replay.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
2 | //
3 |
4 | #include "stdafx.h"
5 |
6 | #include "LogParser.h"
7 | #include "SAXContentHandlerImpl.h"
8 | #include <iostream>
9 |
10 | int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
11 | {
12 | if (argc<4)
13 | {
14 | std::wcout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "<replayfile> <applicationundertest> [<resultfile>] [<useDefaultDelay>] [<waitAfterFinish>]" << std::endl;
15 | return 0;
16 | }
17 | TCHAR * replayfile = argv[1];
18 | TCHAR * appUnderTest = argv[2];
19 | TCHAR * resultfile = NULL;
20 | bool useDefaultDelay = true;
21 | int wait = 1;
22 | if( argc>=4 ) {
23 | TCHAR * resultfile = argv[3];
24 | }
25 | if( argc>=5 ) {
26 | useDefaultDelay = (bool) _tstoi(argv[4]);
27 | }
28 | if( argc>=6 ) {
29 | wait = _tstoi(argv[5]);
30 | }
31 |
32 | // initialize COM library for the current thread
33 | CoInitialize(NULL);
34 | MSXML2::ISAXXMLReader* pXMLReader = NULL;
35 |
36 | // create an instance of the XML reader
37 | HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(
38 | __uuidof(MSXML2::SAXXMLReader),
39 | NULL,
41 | __uuidof(MSXML2::ISAXXMLReader),
42 | (void **)&pXMLReader);
43 |
44 | if( !FAILED(hr) ) {
45 | TestResults results(replayfile);
46 | std::wcout << L"replaying sessions in " << argv[1] << std::endl;
47 | LogParser * parser = new LogParser(appUnderTest, 5000, &results, useDefaultDelay);
48 | pXMLReader->putContentHandler(parser);
49 | hr = pXMLReader->parseURL(replayfile);
50 | pXMLReader->Release();
51 | std::wcout << L"================================================" << std::endl;
52 | std::wcout << L"replay completed" << std::endl;
53 | if( resultfile!=NULL ) {
54 | results.write(resultfile);
55 | std::wcout << L"results written to " << resultfile << std::endl;
56 | }
57 | }
58 |
59 | CoUninitialize();
60 |
61 | if( wait!=0 ) {
62 | std::wcout << L"press enter to exit ...";
63 | getchar();
64 | }
65 |
66 | return 0;
67 | }
68 |